by Clint Dunaway | Feb 16, 2023 | Arizona Water, Well Sharing in Arizona
Shared well bank accounts are used to pay for water well electricity, well repairs, and well maintenance. Traditionally, each property owner pays a flat amount to cover the cost of the electricity and to set aside money for repairs. Purpose of a Well Share Bank...
by Clint Dunaway | Aug 26, 2022 | Arizona Water, Well Sharing in Arizona
assessor parcel number (apn)- how to find An Assessor Parcel Number (APN) is a unique number assigned to each parcel of land by a county tax assessor. The APN is based on formatting codes depending on the home’s location. The local government uses APNs to...
by Clint Dunaway | Sep 30, 2021 | Arizona Water, Well Sharing in Arizona
Is it Possible to Cancel a Shared Well Agreement in Arizona? We are frequently asked how to cancel an Arizona Well Share Agreement. In order to understand how to cancel a well share agreement, it’s best to understand how they are created. How a Well Share...