Type 2 Non-Irrigation Water Rights
What are Type 2 Non-Irrigation Water Rights? In Arizona, water rights are categorized based on their usage. Type 2 non-irrigation water rights are specific to non-agricultural uses, such as industrial, commercial, or residential purposes. These rights are allocated...
Alternative Path Adequate Water Supply
Arizona's New Alternative Path to Designation of a 100-Year Assured Water Supply Arizona recently enacted a groundbreaking law that provides an Alternative Path to Designation of a 100-Year Assured Water Supply. This Alternative Path provides additional flexibility...
Water Organizations
Arizona Water Associations Arizona Department of Water Resources Arizona Department of Water Resources- Adjudications Division Arizona Floodplain Management Association Arizona Hydrological Society Arizona Land and Water Trust Arizona Municipal Water Users Association...
Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement
Rule 26.1 of the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure requires that the parties to a lawsuit to exchange Initial Disclosure Statements within 30 (thirty) days of the defendant filing an Answer. These disclosure statements are often referred to as "Rule 26.1 Statements" or...
Water Well Agreements Arizona
Shared Water Well Agreements What are your rights to water that comes from a shared well that is not located on your property? For most people, the answer is in their written well share agreement. The first question to be considered is—which state regulating body...
Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
Certificates of Convenience and Necessity (CC&Ns) in Arizona are regulatory tools used primarily in the utility sector, particularly for water, wastewater, and electric services. They are granted by the Arizona Corporation Commission and serve several purposes,...
Certificate of Assured Water Supply
Arizona's Certificate of Assured Water Supply (CAWS) is a crucial component of the state's water management strategy. Designed to ensure sustainable water use, the CAWS guarantees that new developments in Active Management Areas (AMAs) have a 100-year assured water...
Well Registry Number
The Arizona Groundwater Management Act of 1980, mandated that all property owners register their wells with the Arizona Department of Water Resources ("ADWR"). The Act also requires all well owners to maintain accurate ownership information with the ADWR. Frequently...
Glossary Well Share Agreements
100-year Assured Water Supply. Water of sufficient quantity and quality is available to sustain a proposed development for 100 years and will be consistent with the management goal and management plan of the active...
Eviction After Foreclosure of Home
In Arizona, as a homeowner whose house has been foreclosed you have a finite amount of time to vacate. If you do not vacate during that time then you can be evicted by the new homeowner. Non-judicial Foreclosure: Non-judicial foreclosures in Arizona are much faster...
Evictions and Claims of Ownership
Evictions & Claims of Ownership Eviction lawsuits are designed to address the issue of possession and not ownership. Eviction lawsuits are to provide a summary, speedy and adequate remedy for obtaining possession of premises withheld by tenants, and for this...
Assessment Lien Well
It is common for well share agreements to have a provision whereby a lien can be levied under ARS 33-1256 and ARS 33-1257 for unpaid dues. Steps to Recording an Assessment Lien Pre-lien Letter. At least thirty (30) days prior to...
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