by Clint Dunaway | Mar 17, 2024 | Landlord - Tenant Law
Power of Eviction Judgments Eviction judgments can be a powerful tool that dramatically increases the odds of a creditor collecting on the debt. A typical judgment will order the debtor to pay the amount awarded to the creditor, attorneys’ fees, court costs, and...
by Clint Dunaway | Jan 8, 2023 | Eviction, Landlord - Tenant Law
Often, Arizona tenants will leave personal property on the premises after they have been evicted. As a landlord you cannot simply keep or throw away the former tenant’s belongings. The Arizona Landlord-Tenant Act requires the landlord to you maintain their...
by Clint Dunaway | Jan 24, 2019 | Landlord - Tenant Law
*** ATTENTION- This Blog Post Applies to NON-Eviction Cases *** Click HERE to Read About Appealing EVICTION Cases Appealing an Arizona Justice Court Ruling A party may appeal a judgment entered in an Arizona Justice Court civil case. FYI, these rules do not apply to...
by Clint Dunaway | Mar 15, 2018 | Landlord - Tenant Law
What options are available to Arizona landlords if they find new damage to their rental property after the tenants have been evicted? Rule 13(c)(2)(A) of the Eviction Action Rules of Procedures states that: “…if the plaintiff is entitled to rent incurred after the...
by Clint Dunaway | Dec 18, 2013 | Eviction, Landlord - Tenant Law
If a tenant that is under a current lease agreement who is evicted or abandons the property; can that landlord sue for all future rents thru the end of the lease? The answer is; “yes”, “no” and “maybe”. Let me answer this question...