Intentional Destruction of Rental Property

What Options Does a Landlord Have When a Tenant Intentionally Damages a Rental House?

“Removal or intentional and material alteration or damage of any part of a building, the furnishings thereof, or any permanent fixture, by or at the instance of the tenant, without written permission of the landlord or his agent, is a class 2 misdemeanor.”

A.R.S. Section 33-322

If your Arizona tenant intentionally damages your rental property they may be liable for committing a crime. Often when I am speaking with Arizona landlords they express the fear of a tenant trashing their property. The good news is that rarely do tenants intentionally damage a property out of spite. Though tenants often damage properties because of how careless and dirty they are while living in the home.

If your Arizona tenant has intentionally damaged your rental property then contact the Dunaway Law Group at 480-702-1608 or message us HERE.

The Dunaway Law Group provides this information as a service to clients and other friends for educational purposes only. It should not be construed or relied on as legal advice or to create a lawyer-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking advice from professional advisers. The Firm limits its practice to the states of Arizona and New York.

Author: Clint Dunaway

Arizona attorney.