What is Voir Dire

What is voir dire & why is it important? Voir dire is the process of questioning potential jurors to determine whether they are fit to serve as jurors for a particular trial. For Arizona lawyers, the goal of the voir dire process is to ensure that no members of...

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Hohokam Canals

From A.D. 600 to 1450, the prehistoric Hohokam constructed one of the largest and most sophisticated irrigation networks ever created using preindustrial technology. By A.D. 1200, hundreds of miles of these waterways created green paths winding out from the Salt and...

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Motion In Limine

What is a Motion in Limine? A motion in limine is a pleading filed with the court where on party is asking the judge to prevent certain pieces of evidence from being used during a trial. What is the Definition of Motion in limine? The phrase, in limine is a Latin...

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Bankruptcy Credit Counseling Courses

Who Must Complete the Initial Credit Counseling Course? Everyone filing for bankruptcy must complete a pre and post-filing, credit counseling course. This is true whether filing for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Additionally, if married, both spouses must...

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Partitioning Real Estate

Partitioning Arizona real estate is a way to resolve a situation where two people who own real estate together but disagree about whether to sell the property and or how to manage it. I typically see this scenario where a boyfriend-girlfriend purchased a home together...

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Property Manager

Benefits of Using a Property Manager Arizona property managers can save Arizona landlords time and aggravation. Collecting rents, finding new tenants, making maintenance repairs, etc. are time consuming. Use high quality lease agreements. Make sure that leases are...

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Appeal Arbitrator Ruling

How to Appeal an Arizona Arbitrator's Ruling There are two basic options available to a party once an arbitrator has made their ruling. One, a party can let the Arizona arbitrator's decision stand or secondly you can appeal it. If a party does not appeal the...

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